OADSP’s Direct Leadership Certificate (DLC) is a months-long development program that culminates in small-scale demonstration projects, showcasing how participants have applied what they learned. The program is:

  • Intentionally designed to incorporate the training and professional development needs and wants of an organization’s employees and of its philosophy
  • Appropriate – if not essential – for all levels of an organization, from middle management, to entry-level positions, and executive suites
  • Applicable across any and all organizational departments
  • An immersive experience that includes team-building activities

The DLC’s structure is meant to be flexible. OADSP and organizational coordinators collaborate to identify appropriate topics and goals for each day-long session. The team allows space for detailed agendas to include specific issues and scenarios that are pertinent to those topics and goals. Previously-deployed and sample topics include:

  • Power of Moments
  • Professionalism & Autonomy
  • Communication Matters
  • Languages of Appreciation*
  • Diversity & Cultural Sensitivity
  • Microaggressions & Intentionality
  • The Art of Storytelling
  • Legislative Advocacy*
  • Management & Organization
  • Collective Trauma & The Workplace*
  • The 15 Invaluable Laws of Leadership (this is a John Maxwell training, provided exclusively by a Maxwell Certified Team Member)

* These are 2-part sessions.

And when they’re ready for more, collaborate with OADSP again for DLC 2.0.

For more information about the Direct Leadership Certificate’s structure, impacts, and pricing, contact us.

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