Launched in 2023, OADSP’s Ambassador program is another way for DSPs to increase their outreach, opportunities, and impact. After the required initial orientation and training (all online), Ambassadors:

  • Serve as “connectors,” sharing information and resources between their employers and OADSP
  • Gain exclusive access to OADSP materials, including monthly “hot topic” guides to help facilitate workplace conversations
  • Participate in online forums
  • Enjoy perks like first-to-know details about upcoming OADSP events and happenings, FREE registration for OADSP’s annual Summit, a FREE DSP Recognition Event tee, and more!

The Ambassador program requires:

  • an agency provider to select its own Ambassador; interested individuals cannot self-select or apply on their own behalves
  • individuals who are comfortable routinely speaking at agency staff meetings, helping to lead important conversations, and talking about OADSP in formal and informal venues
  • that only one (1) Ambassador is selected by each agency provider; exceptions may be made for agencies providing services and support in multiple regions/Counties
  • a two-year term commitment and full engagement with program expectations and activities
  • individuals who are full-time agency employees and provide direct support to individuals with I/DD
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